Click Here to See WWU Give Day 2023!
Wakeboarding Team

The WWU Wakeboard Team is asking your support this Give Day!

Who is the WWU Wake Team?

We are a team of undergraduate wakeboarder ranging from beginner to expert! We have a passion for spreading the love of the sport and teaching new folks how to ride! During the Fall and Spring we practice weekly at a two-point cable system Valley Wake Park in Abbotsford, BC. Occasionally we ride behind boats on Lake Whatcom or Lake Samish depending on the willingness of boat drivers in the community. Twice a year we travel to sunny California to train and compete in collegiate competitions. Some of our recent accomplishments were placing third in the women's beginner div. at the VIP Cable Bash 2019 and 2018, placing first and second at the 2018 BC Provincials, as well as second in the Amateur Wakeskate Nationals in 2018. During the offseason we rely on fundraising to take us elsewhere to train and compete!



Our Goal:

To Create More Opportunities for Our Team to Compete and Train

Currently our team commits to two competitions a year in Sacramento, CA. This is due to proximity (Sacramento has the closest full-systems to us) as well as funding. We would like to branch out to Texas or Florida and commit to at least one more competition a year so we can show the southern riders what we got at WWU. 

We are also hoping to have an annual training trip during our winter seasons. The water levels at our cable park in Canada get too high and force us off the water between December and March. This creates a major gap in our season where we lose precious time to train. Part of funds raised from Give Day 2020 will be dedicated to an annual trip to a full-system cable park so we can intensively train for at least one weekend during the winter.


Where the Money Goes

By donating to the WWU Wakeboarding Team on Give Day you will be directly supporting our efforts to train and compete! Your support has a huge impact on our ability to travel. We rely on fundraising in order to afford travel costs like van rentals, gas, accommodations, and food. Give Day donations also help us with competition fees, cable park passes, as well as equipment!


Why Support Us

      We may be one of WWU’s smallest sports clubs but we have the biggest heart! We love our sport so much that we drive hours just to ride. We cross one international border for our regular riding in almost freezing-cold water, and we cross at two state borders just so we can compete. We need help in order to ride consistently though! Our cable park in Canada only lets us ride one-at-a-time, and it’s also not available to us from December to March. During these winter months we dream of riding six-at-a-time on cyclical full-system cables in the California sun and competing against our fellow shredders. Help our dreams become reality by donating to our team on Give Day!


We thank you for your support!


The WWU Wake Team

New Grad Challenge!
Thank you! Generous gifts from new grads have unlocked an additional $3,000 in funds!
$3,000 MATCHED
Top Fundraisers!
The WWU Alumni Association will reward the top five areas that secure the most donors with a bonus of $1,000 each. Congratulations to our winners!
Rank Prize Area of Support Donors
1 $1,000 Club Sports 420
2 $1,000 College of Business and Economics 381
3 $1,000 Athletics 377
4 $1,000 College of Humanities and Social Sciences 310
5 $1,000 College of Science and Engineering 199
HUB International Bronze Sponsorship
Thank you, HUB International, for supporting our Challenge Pool!
Don't forget to share!

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