Give Day 2023 is over, but you can give early to Give Day 2024! Click here!
WWU Give Day 2023

Thank you very much to everyone who shared and supported WWU Give Day 2023! 

It was the highest level of participation ever and biggest difference for students ever!

2023 WWU Give Day Priority 

Rendering of Kaiser Borsari Hall

This year, Western's top fundraising priority is Kaiser Borsari Hall — a building that exemplifies Western's commitment to graduating more future leaders in advanced technology engineering and computer science. Kaiser Borsari Hall will allow us to welcome more students who embody Western’s forward-thinking commitment to interdisciplinary teaching and learning — students like Tyanin Opdahl (that’s her up at the top of the page)!

Tyanin had very little coding experience when she transferred to Western a year and a half ago, but she knew she wanted to pursue a high-tech career, so she declared computer science her major. She’s also minoring in creative writing, and is now putting both fields of study to use in a faculty-led research project to root out biased language in artificial intelligence and machine learning courses. Kaiser Borsari Hall was designed with students like Tyanin in mind — students who are eager to collaborate across disciplines to solve the great problems of our time.

We’re excited that WWU Give Day is happening right as we celebrate the groundbreaking of this game-changing, carbon-neutral addition to our campus. It will have active-learning classrooms, teaching and research labs and spaces designed to support people with diverse abilities and learning styles. It will open more space to take interdisciplinary approaches to collaborative problem-solving around climate change, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and more.

Your gift is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law according to section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our tax identification number is 91-6073519.

Thank You for Being Part of The Proud Tradition!
May 30, 2023

Thank you to everyone who made a gift as part of WWU Give day 2023 for being a part of the proud WWU Give Day tradition!

It is incredible to see the whole Western community come together in one day to support literally hundreds of amazing things happening at Western all at once!

Together we helped raise over $785,000 for scholarship, programs, student groups, athletics, with more with donations still coming in the mail and through our limited time late Give Day donation portal. Once all those gifts are in, we can announce and apply all the matching and challenge funds, including the general match percentage that will be added to every gift that didn't receive a special match. 

There are a lot of people involved in WWU Give Day, from faculty and staff to students and alumni, and on behalf of all of us, thank you for being a part of the tradition to come together to support Western students, it means more than you know! 

Thank you again and Go Vikings!

Please let us know if you have any WWU Give Day questions at 

Vikings Supporters Around the World!
Rank State Gifts
1 WA 2474
2 CA 146
3 OR 93
Double your impact for the Merle Prim Scholarship for Diversity and Inclusion!
Fantastic! You helped raise an additional $10,000 for the Merle Prim Scholarship for Diversity and Inclusion! Thank you so much!
Double your impact for Behavioral Neuroscience research stipends!
Thanks to a very generous donor, you've helped raise $12,000 for Behavioral Neuroscience research stipends! Thank you for providing life-changing support for our students!
$7,500 Match for Psychology Student Research and Travel provided by Foundry10
Thank you for supporting our psychology students! With your help, we've raised $15,000 more for them to engage in travel and research!
Advanced Technology Building Fund Match
Thank you! With your help, we've raised an additional $4,000 for Kaiser Borsari Hall!
$2,000 MATCHED
SEA Discovery Center match! Double your support!
Thank you! The first $1,000 raised for Poulsbo’s SEA Discovery Center have been matched by proud alumnus and Foundation Board Member Tony George, '86, and Stephanie George, as well as an anonymous donor!
Track and Field Give Day Match!
Thank you! The first $750 raised for Track and Field have been matched by proud alumnus and Foundation Board Member Tony George, '86, and Stephanie George.
Match Opportunity for Institute for Energy Studies!
Thank you! The first $10,750 raised for the Institute for Energy Studies have been matched by Terry Oliver, Tony George, '86, and Stephanie George.
One-to-one match for the Salish Sea Institute!
Thank you! The first $750 raised for the Salish Sea Institute have been matched by proud alumnus and Foundation Board Member Tony George, '86, and Stephanie George.
Sustainability Engagement Institute Matching Gift!
Thank you! The first $750 raised for the Sustainability Engagement Institute has been matched by proud alumnus and Foundation Board Member Tony George, '86, and Stephanie George.
Accounting Advisory Board Matching Gift
Thank you! Your generosity has helped us meet the Accounting Advisory Board's Give Day match!
Robert and Bess Christman Scholarship Match - Double your support of Geology students!
Thank you! The first $1000 in gifts to the Robert and Bess Christman Scholarship were matched dollar for dollar by their daughter Maureen Christman, in loving memory of the many ways they positively impacted the WWU and Bellingham Community.
Deans and Friends Match for the Moss Adams Student Success Center
Thank you for helping us reach the Deans and Friends Match--raising $6,000 for the Student Success Center!
Dr. David M. Nelson's Retirement Gift to Econ Students - A $100,000 match!!
Thank you! Through your generosity, we've endowed an economics scholarship that can cover almost the entire cost of tuition for a student every year. What an incredible gift Dr. Nelson is leaving WWU students--and what an incredible gift you gave him as you helped raise this money!
$5,000 match for International Business!
Thank you! You've met the match by our anonymous donors, totaling $10,000 in support of WWU International Business students!
Management Information Systems (MIS) Program Challenge
Thank you! Your gifts met the challenge and had $500 of impact on MIS students!
Computer Science Matching Opportunity!
Generous alumnus Dr. Chris Reedy has matched the first $2,000 given to the Computer Science department! Thank you!
$2,000 MATCHED
Nancy Johnson Speakers in Schools Challenge
Thank you! Your gifts completed the $1000 match for the Speakers in Schools fund offered by generous faculty emeritus Nancy Johnson! With your gifts, we reached the endowment level and now will support generations of young learners to come.
Graduate School Match Alert!
Thank you! You've generated an additional $1,000 for the Graduate School, thanks to the generosity of David and Bahareh Patrick!
$1,000 MATCHED
Early Bird Challenge!
Thank you! Your generosity has unlocked an additional $5,000 match before most people even got up for the day!
The Number One Vikings Match!
Thank you, Vikings! You who made the first $1,000 in gifts earned an ADDITIONAL $1,000 through a generous match!
$1,000 MATCHED
New Grad Match Opportunity!
Thank you new Vikings! You've raised an additional $3,000 in support for current WWU students and programs!
3,000th Donor Challenge!
Thank you, Viking supporters! More than 3,000 of you have made gifts for Give Day, which is the most participation we've ever had in a Give Day!
WWU Retirement Association Scholarship Challenge
Thank you, Vikings! You've met this challenge and helped unlock $3,000 in scholarship money for current Western students!
$3,000 / $3,000 Raised
Night Owl Challenge
Thank you! Your gifts helped raise an additional $2,000 for Kaiser Borsari Hall!
It's Pi Time!
Thanks, Vikings! Your gifts at 3:14 PM helped unlock an additional $2500 for Kaiser Borsari Hall!
2,000th Donor Challenge!
Thank you! The 2,000th donor has unlocked an additional $750 for men's rowing!
Last Call!
Thank you! You've unlocked an additional $5,000 as a matching gift!
Salish Sea Recording Studio Challenge!
Thank you! Together, we Vikings raised over $7,000 to help build current WWU students a new recording studio in Fairhaven!
Healing Garden Challenge
Thank you for helping build the Healing Garden with collective giving of over $20,000!
Institute for Critical Disability Studies Scholarship Challenge!
Thank you! Your gifts have unlocked an additional $1,000 in challenge funds from an anonymous donor!
$1,000 / $1,000 Raised
50-state Challenge!
Thank you, Vikings near and far, for helping unlock an additional $5,000 of support for WWU students!
The Battle for Business!
The department in CBE with the most unique donors at the end of Give Day will receive an additional $1,000! Final results available after we finish processing all the gifts. Fake donor names may disqualify the department.
Rank Prize The Battle for Business! Donors
1 $1,000 Marketing Program 60
2 MSCM & Operations 50
3 Economics 45
4 Accounting Department 40
5 International Business Program 34
Savviest Student Organization Challenge!
The student club or team with the most donors when we finish processing all the Give Day gifts will win an extra $1,000! Final results available after all Give Day gifts are processed. Using fake donor names to inflate results may disqualify a club or team.
Rank Prize Savviest Student Organization Challenge! Donors
1 $1,000 Men's Rowing 105
2 Wrestling 45
3 Ice Hockey 45
4 Women's Ultimate 42
5 Water Skiing Team 29
Victorious Viking Athletes Challenge!
The athletic team with the highest number of unique donors will win an additional $1,000! Results will be final when we finish processing all the Give Day gifts. Using fake donor names to inflate results may disqualify a team.
Rank Prize Victorious Viking Athletes Challenge! Donors
1 $1,000 Cross Country & Track and Field 308
2 WWU Viking Volleyball 2023 174
3 Women's Soccer 126
4 Men's Soccer 59
5 Women's Basketball 29
Woodring Winners Challenge!
The department or program housed in the Woodring College of Education that receives the highest number of unique donors will win an extra $1,000! Final results available when we finish processing all the Give Day gifts. Gifts from fake donors to inflate donor count may disqualify a department or program.
Rank Prize Woodring Winners Challenge! Donors
1 $1,000 Elementary Education Department 11
2 Human Services 5
3 Woodring Equity & Diversity Programs 5
4 Special Education 3
5 Secondary Education & MIT 2
Fairhaven Fundraisers Challenge!
The project or program in Fairhaven College that has the highest number of unique donors will win an additional $1,000! Final results available once we process all the Give Day gifts. Using fake donor names to inflate donor count may disqualify a project or program.
Rank Prize Department Donors
1 $1,000 Salish Sea Recording Studio 5
2 The Fairhaven Outback Farm 4
3 Fairhaven College Opportunity Scholarship 3
College of the Environment Donor Challenge!
The project or program in the College of the Environment that has the highest number of unique donors will win an additional $1,000! Final results available once we process all the Give Day gifts. Using fake donor names to inflate donor count may disqualify a project or program.
Rank Prize College of the Environment Donor Challenge! Donors
1 $1,000 Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Program 17
2 Environmental Sciences Department 12
3 Institute for Watershed Studies 5
4 Geography Program 5
5 Environmental Studies Department 5
College of Science and Engineering Donor Challenge!
The department, project or program in CSE that received the highest number of unique donors will receive an extra $1,000! Final results available after we process all Give Day gifts. Inflating donor count using fake donor names may disqualify a project, department, or program.
Rank Prize CSE Donor Challenge! Donors
1 $1,000 Computer Science 54
2 Chemistry Department 36
3 Geology 33
4 Biology 21
5 Marine and Coastal Science 15
College of Humanities and Social Sciences Donor Challenge!
The department, project or program in CHSS that receives the highest number of unique donors will receive an extra $1,000! Final results available after we process all Give Day gifts. Inflating donor count using fake donor names may disqualify a project, department, or program.
Rank Prize CHSS Donor Challenge! Donors
1 $1,000 Linguistics 52
2 Psychology 44
3 Behavioral Neuroscience 24
4 Sociology 20
5 History Department 20
College of Fine and Performing Arts Donor Challenge!
The department, project or program in CFPA that receives the highest number of unique donors will receive an extra $1,000! Final results available after we process all Give Day gifts. Inflating donor count using fake donor names may disqualify a project, department, or program.
Rank Prize CFPA Donor Challenge! Donors
1 $1,000 Western Symphony Orchestra Spain Tour 2023 30
2 Theatre Arts 14
3 Music Department 14
4 Music Department Scholarships 8
5 Art and Art History Department 7
Lunchtime Crunchtime
Thanks, Vikings! You've unlocked an additional $5,000 in support for students on your lunch break.
Rank Prize Lunchtime Crunchtime Challenge! Donors
1 $2,500 Cross Country & Track and Field 95
2 $2,500 Men's Rowing 36
3 Women's Ultimate 13
4 Computer Science 9
5 Marketing Program 9
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