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Mary Morrison Family Music Scholarship Endowment

The Mary Morrison Family Music Scholarship Endowment is a new scholarship endowment established by Mary Morrison Murray from the class of 1967 to support Western and specifically the Music Department to recognize the importance of music in student life. The scholarship will be awarded to students majoring in Instrumental Music Performance and can be awarded to a deserving student for up to four consecutive years, or until, graduation, whichever comes first.


Marry Murray yearbook photo from Western
Mary Murray's Western yearbook photo


“Music performance became an important part of my college experience, providing a safe haven and creative focus.”



Student life for the Western Washington State College Class of 1967 was a time of political activism when even residence hall rules and administrative policies were challenged. During the changes of the chaotic times of the 1960s, students studied their academics as their lives changed dramatically as the Vietnam War ramped up and the draft claimed their friends and classmates.


man playing flute
Ensemble director Jerome Glass


The “Summer of Love” launched anti-war protests, the cultural and sexual revolutions. Along came the music of folk songs and the British wave of music. The Sixties were an amazing time to be young.


"The Western Washington Wind Ensemble and Band, under the direction of Jerome Glass, was a highlight of my years at Western. My music studies included a talented and cohesive group of dedicated musicians. That group endeavor promoted well-being and friendship. We became an ensemble. It was also a lot of fun.” – Mary Morrison Murray


We need you!


A new scholarship endowment can only distribute scholarships to students when it is 100% funded. We are more than half way with the Mary Morrison Family Music Scholarship Endowment. Your gift will help us fully fund this scholarship and help our students.

New Grad Challenge!
Thank you! Generous gifts from new grads have unlocked an additional $3,000 in funds!
$3,000 MATCHED
Top Fundraisers!
The WWU Alumni Association will reward the top five areas that secure the most donors with a bonus of $1,000 each. Congratulations to our winners!
Rank Prize Area of Support Donors
1 $1,000 Club Sports 420
2 $1,000 College of Business and Economics 381
3 $1,000 Athletics 377
4 $1,000 College of Humanities and Social Sciences 310
5 $1,000 College of Science and Engineering 199
HUB International Bronze Sponsorship
Thank you, HUB International, for supporting our Challenge Pool!
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