We here at WWU Adoptees Alliance seek to provide a safe and inclusive space for all adoptees (both international and domestic) as well as those who want to know more about the adoption process and to be an ally for friends or family who are on their own adoption journey. Our goal is to provide support and understanding to fellow adoptees through discussion, community engagement and visibility.
We meet weekly or biweekly depending on member availability to discuss various topics around adoption such as:
We will be using donations to fund quarterly club food outings for our members to bond with each other and the officer board. The funds may also be used to cover any travel-related expenses should we attend any adoption conferences that are put on by neighboring universities. Just last year, we participated in the University of Oregon's Spring Virtual Adoption Conference hosted by Adopted Students United and two of our officers gave a presentation on the home study process. Such travel expenses would include but are not limited to:
We also hold an annual event for November (National Adoption Awareness Month) which showcases our stories as students who are adoptees.
Any donation is greatly appreciated and thank you for your support!
You can connect with us at: