Fellows Program: The Salish Sea Institute has a new Fellows Program thanks to a generous donation from the Greer/Solien Foundation. Incoming Fellows will be exploring topics such as invasive species management, Indigenous futures, mapping climate change, cross-border governance, teaching about hope and more. One of the Fellows has a joint appointment with the Border Policy Research Institute. Click here to meet the Salish Sea Fellows
Funding is needed to continue this program into 2023 and beyond.
One year ago, the Institute released the State of the Salish Sea report which provides an overall assessment of the health of our shared waters by summarizing current stressors – primarily climate change and human development actions. It’s been widely applauded by scientists and managers and is changing people’s understanding of the ecosystem. The report is used in classrooms at Western Washington University, Whatcom Community College and Everett Community College.
“This is an exceptional and unique report. It represents a landmark effort to understand how the Salish Sea social-ecological system works, what is causing it to change, and what we can do about it. The report will be essential reading for scientists, marine managers, industry and civic leaders, and everyone interested in the health of the marine environment of this place that we call home.”
– Ian Perry, emeritus scientist with Fisheries and Oceans Canada in Nanaimo, British Columbia
Please help the Salish Sea Institute continue to distribute the report and make it widely available to students and teachers.
Opportunities to support Salish Sea Studies students and programs:
Make a Gift on Give Day - Thank you for visiting our page and hopefully taking advantage of the generous matching funds available on Give Day to make your donation to the SSI go farther! Every dollar helps our research continue.
Salish Sea Café – our new virtual series focused on important topics and emerging issues drawn from presentations at the Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference.
Scholarships for Students – over 30 students are now enrolled in the Salish Sea Studies minor. Gifts of any size help cover costs for field trips and experiential learning opportunities.
To discuss establishment of an endowment or to explore a term-limited gift, please contact:
Manca Valum, Senior Director of Development, manca.valum@wwu.edu or 360.650.6542