Support The College of Education!
Please Support The College of Education!
Dear Friends of Woodring,
We are so thankful to have such incredible support and contributions from members of the Woodring community like yourself. We hope you can join us in continuing to sustain the outstanding and impactful work of the staff, faculty, and students in our college.
This year, we are excited to share news about the incredible generosity of Janis (Olson) Peterson, class of '51, and Wes Peterson, class of '51. The Petersons have graciously committed to matching the first $12,000 in donations given to Woodring this year during Give Day! This means that this year you'll have the opportunity to double the impact of your gift through the Peterson commitment!
Please click on the link below to learn more about the story of the Peterson's commitment to the Woodring College of Education.

Donate to the Janis and Wes Peterson Fund
As you consider where you'd like to offer your support this year,
I'd like to suggest the Human Services program or the Dean's Excellence Fund.
The Human Services major is for students with a strong commitment to social and economic justice, human dignity, self-determination, and the desire to support change through direct and indirect service delivery. Human Services graduates have had and continue to have a tremendous impact on the schools, non-profit organizations, and governmental agencies throughout the region and the state.
The Dean's Excellence Fund provides support for a variety of important programs for the college. Your donation could provide funding for students who are in need of emergency financial funding, aid us in bringing in featured and well-known speakers, or sponsor scholarships to support other departmental and student activities.
Donate to the Dean's Excellence Fund
I invite you to kindly considering giving to our college as you are able to on Give Day on April 25th. If you won't be available that day or simply are too excited to wait, you can make your gift early at this link:
I continue to send you many thanks for your ongoing support
and engagement with our college.
Kevin Roxas
Dean and Professor
Woodring College of Education
Western Washington University