Place-Based Policy Research on the Canada-U.S. Border
Why does studying borders matter to our students and our broader community?
- Borders around the world are sites of both contestation and connection, and play an important role in many social and economic aspects of our lives.
- WWU is the northernmost university in the contiguous United States, with close proximity to an international border crossing.
- BPRI is the only academically-based institute in the United States that is dedicated to the study of Canada-US Border policy.
BPRI was formed in 2005 to further a mission of promoting research and public programming on critical policy issues affecting the Cascadia region. We are a multidisciplinary institute with the goal of undertaking research and outreach to inform policymakers on matters related to the Canada-U.S. border, particularly in the British Columbia-Washington State region.
Our priority focus areas:
- Cross-border mobility
- Cross-border collaboration
- Economic relationships
- Border Management
What BPRI does:
Leadership & Scholarship

- Scholarly engagement & publications
- Cross-border visiting Scholar Program
- Research Collaborations
- Professional appointments in industry, academia, and government organizations

- Support students as research assistants
- Provide educational experiences outside the classroom
- Professional development & research opportunities for faculty and students

- Media recognition and outreach
- Collaboration with stakeholders on cross-border mobility
- Participation in conferences, talks, speaking engagements as border experts
Please consider a gift to support the Border Policy Research Institute today!
For more information about us, see our website, join our mailing list, check out our publications, or follow us on twitter!
To discuss the establishment of an endowment or to explore a term-limited gift, please contact Fred Gold, Director of Development and Annual Giving at goldf@wwu.edu or 360-650-6464.