The study of history is essential to a liberal education. Here in the Department of History, we prepare students for thoughtful participation in public affairs, further education, and a wide range of careers by fostering an appreciation of the diversity of human cultures and experiences, the development of research and analytical skills, and the ability to communicate effectively, especially in writing. Our department is committed to academic excellence and providing curricular offerings dealing with the fullest possible range of locations, cultures, and experiences. Our courses encourage critical thinking, rigorous inquiry, and intellectual growth. That’s why knowledge of history is vital for our shared democracy. That’s why History matters.
Studying history brings students out of themselves to reflect on how the experiences of the past can help us better understand the challenges of the present. Your gift will allow the History Department to continue offering quality educational opportunities to all students, including adding resources to the History Library, hosting guest speakers to inspire students, funding student conference and research travel, and most importantly, providing scholarships. Every little bit helps! We appreciate you and your donations.
2023 Phi Alpha Theta Northwest Regional Conference participants on the campus of Central Washington
Each year, students from Western’s History Department research, prepare papers, and present their original scholarship to panel-led sessions at the Northwest Regional Conference of the prestigious Phi Alpha Theta National Honors Society. In order to participate, students submit their research papers to a department committee and then work to hone their presentation skills in faculty-led practice sessions. On a rotating basis, this conference is hosted on campuses across Washington, Oregon, and Idaho where students present to larger groups and are reviewed for awards recognizing their achievements. Phi Alpha Theta awards six prizes annually for outstanding papers, three for undergraduate and three for graduate students. Awards are given to those papers that best embody original historical research on significant subjects based on source materials or manuscripts. In 2023 five of our History Students were nominated:
The History Department pays all Phi Alpha Theta conference fees, including the lodging, meals, and transportation for all the student presenters and faculty panelists that attend. Your contribution to the Darling Family Phi Alpha Theta Endowment will allow us to continue offering this important program.
By choosing to designate your donation to the Darling Family Phi Alpha Theta Endowment you will enable students to attend future regional conferences of the Phi Alpha Theta National Honors Society, where they can present their research and receive awards for their achievements.
By choosing to designate your donation to the History Department you will provide us with needed support so that we can best teach our students and continue to pursue cutting edge scholarship in diverse fields.
By choosing to designate your donation to the History Department Scholarship you are providing direct financial support to capable students so that they can maximize their intellectual growth, enrich their experiences at Western, and prepare to meet their future goals.
By choosing to designate your donation to the Endowed Professorship in Jewish History you are supporting the department to teach a full scope of the rich history of Jewish people as well as continuing to ensure that students understand the Holocaust.
By choosing to designate your donation to the History Fund for Library Acquisitions you will provide opportunities for us to collect valuable, permanent resources for students to supplement their learning so that they can pursue their intellectual interests.