Help Support Health and Human Development Students on Give Day!
The mission of the Department of Health and Human Development is to educate individuals to improve personal and community wellness and quality of life through human movement, health and leisure experiences.

Your donations allow us to offer these types of experiences for our students:
- HHD’s Center for Performance Excellence hosted the 2023 Northwest Student Sport and Exercise Psychology Symposium, which fosters personalized learning and interaction between students and prominent professionals in the field of sport and exercise psychology. Our sports psychology graduate students worked with faculty to plan and run the conference, presented completed and proposed research, and discussed current issues with professionals in the field.
- We sent Physical Education and Health majors to the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE America) national conference in Seattle. SHAPE America envisions a nation where all children are prepared to lead healthy, physically active lives. Students were able to network and exchange ideas, attend educational sessions and forge new relationships with professionals from across the country.
- Author, filmmaker, speaker and activist John de Graaf met with Recreation Management and Leadership majors to show his latest documentary film "Stewart Udall: The Politics of Beauty" and lead a discussion. John’s mission is to help create a happy, healthy and sustainable quality of life for America. His film will be widely used by activists and in the classroom to inspire environmental stewardship, social justice and the less polarized approach to politics that Udall (US Secretary of the Interior from 1961-69) successfully pursued.
- Every spring, thanks to your generosity, the Public Health faculty is able to honor their seniors with a catered luncheon and awards ceremony. Our speaker this year is Tracy Dahlstedt, who received a BS in Public Health Education and Promotion from Western in 1998 and an MEd in Marriage and Family Therapy/Counseling from University of Oregon, and is now a marriage and family therapist specializing in sexual health.

Department Goals
The goal of the department is excellence in teaching, research and service. All programs:
- Provide professional preparation based on a foundation of liberal education.
- Provide intellectually challenging programs of study through a variety of teaching techniques, including active student involvement in the learning process, practica, service learning, and participation in faculty research.
- Provide instruction that enables students to communicate effectively, think critically and creatively, and work cooperatively.
- Provide academic advisement that assists students in achieving their academic and professional goals.
- Prepare students to be competent and ethical professionals who model a commitment to lifelong learning and healthy living.
- Prepare students to be stewards of environments that promote healthy living and quality of life.
- Prepare students to live and work in a culturally diverse society.

Your contribution will help students in these HHD programs
Undergraduate Degrees:
- Kinesiology
- Public Health (formerly Community Health)
- Physical Education and Health P-12
- Recreation Management and Leadership
Graduate Degree: Master of Science in Kinesiology
- Exercise Science
- Sport & Exercise Psychology

HHD Newsletter
Learn more about our programs here:
Photo Descriptions:
- Recreation Management and Leadership (RML) graduates 2022
- Sport and Exercise Psychology graduate students at AASP PNW conference 2022
- RML majors and disabled community campers at student-run Camp TEAM 2023
- Public Health seniors with professors Ying Li and Steve Bennett at the 2022 Senior Luncheon
- Kinesiology majors with Professor Harsh Buddhadev - biomechanics of cycling analysis in the lab
- Celebrating graduation!