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Caregivers and Parents
Please Support the Caregivers and Parents Group


The founders of the group saw a need to connect caregivers and parents (CAP) on campus to network with and support one another. We began in the Spring of 2019 with a focus on caregivers and parents because these identities make up who we are, what decisions we make, and how this impacts our professional careers. CAP is here to provide a bridge between caregivers and parents to the rest of the institution while also providing a support network amongst Western caregivers. 



We are a grassroots group of caregivers and parents who work at and attend Western. We provide spaces and opportunities for Western parents and caregivers to collaborate, connect, support, and share experiences and resources.  CAP aims to support the WWU Strategic Plan by implementing and modeling practices to improve our recruitment and retention of diverse staff, faculty, administration, and student body by facilitating programming and conversations around caregiving to increase the visibility of parental identities and experiences. Through collaboration and conversation, we aim to provide representative voices for caregivers and parents to campus, as well as provide a network or community of peer learning and shared resources for our CAP constituency.

Top Five Fundraisers!
The WWU Alumni Association will reward the top five areas that secure the most donors with a bonus of $1,000 each. Congratulations to our winners!
Rank Prize Area of Support Donors
1 $1,000 Men's Rowing 118
2 $1,000 Ice Hockey 116
3 $1,000 Chess Club 115
4 $1,000 Student Emergency Fund 105
5 $1,000 WWU Volleyball 103
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