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Elementary Education Department




The programs in the Elementary Education Department are designed to prepare thoughtful, knowledgeable, and effective educators for a diverse society. We encourage our students to solve problems, make good decisions, and show respect.




Your gift to the Elementary Education Department will help fund travel to conferences, international exchanges, professional trainings, and other kinds of professional development for our students. 


Past Professional Development 


NW Council for Computer Education


Graduate teaching assistants Lindsay Little and Sarah Dorfler, who teach Instructional Technology courses for the Elementary Department, attended the 2020 Northwest Council for Computer Education conference in Seattle. 


Close up of Lindsay Little, a woman with long curly hair, wearing conference her lanyard and leaning against a pillar.


"The conference continues to impact the way I think about teaching and learning. I can’t wait to graduate and incorporate what I learned into my classroom, and I’m sharing it all with my undergraduates students and classmates in my cohort. I am so grateful I got to attend, and I hope I can continue to do so when I get my teaching certificate."


                  -- Lindsay Little, Instructional Technology TA 



Partnerships With Southwest University 


Elementary Education sent a group of Early Childhood Education (ECE) students, faculty, and preschool teachers to Southwest University (SWU) in Chongqing, China in December 2017. The non-credit global exchange was part of a larger partnership with SWU. Two of the ECE students on the trip had acted as cultural ambassadors for a group of SWU students and faculty who visited Western's campus the previous summer.


A group of Chinese students at a table investigating the wood, rocks, and bottles of dirty water on the table.


A large group of faculty and students from Western and Southwest University in Chongqing, China pose at a desk.



Sweden Trip


Students who went on the trip learned about how another country supports refugee- and immigrant-students in the K-12 school system. They visited several schools and met with school, district, and regional education leaders. They were able also able to teach and participate in some high school classes.  The students learned about the Sami people--their history, customs, and relationships with the Swedish government. They also studied Swedish history, the Swedish language, and Swedish customs.  


A group of Western students and professors pose in front of a heart shaped sign in the town of Lulea in Sweden.


A group of students in cross a boulder field next to a bridge surrounded by pine trees.


Selfie of students and professor in the cabin of a tour boat.



Project GLAD Training


In 2017 Elementary Education faculty and student interns had the opportunity to participate in a OCDE Project Glad training. 


OCDE Project Glad is a professional training for teachers working with bilingual learners. It provides teachers with strategies to help all students, including native English speakers, develop their academic English skills in an environment that is considerate of students' native languages and cultures. 


A woman speaks to a group of people sitting in folding chairs in an elementary school classroom. Some people in the folding chairs are taking notes in binders others are listening attentively.

Trainer, Dawn Christiana, coaches training participants while they observe Trainer, and Elementary Department Faculty member, Dr. Marsha Riddle Buly teaching students using GLAD strategies.


A group of women sit around a table with multiple open binders on it in an elementary school classroom.

Second grade teachers and their Western student interns discussing GLAD strategies. 

Top Five Fundraisers!
The WWU Alumni Association will reward the top five areas that secure the most donors with a bonus of $1,000 each. Congratulations to our winners!
Rank Prize Area of Support Donors
1 $1,000 Men's Rowing 118
2 $1,000 Ice Hockey 116
3 $1,000 Chess Club 115
4 $1,000 Student Emergency Fund 105
5 $1,000 WWU Volleyball 103
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