Visit WWU Give Day 2022 Here!

The above video is from one of our August 2020 graduates, Julie McElroy.  Julie received one of our nursing scholarships, which are all possible due to the generosity of people like you.


It'll take more than a pandemic to stop this year's RN-to-BSN students from achieving their goal: WWU graduation.  



Our vision to cultivate excellence in nursing leadership and transform the future of healthcare through collaborative partnerships is continuing to bear fruit!  

We have 16 students currently, our eleventh cohort, persisting in their studies despite the challenges we are all facing with COVID-19.  Most of our students are working full-time as RNs, on the front lines of the efforts to help heal our community.  We are very proud of them, and of our over 200 alumni from Western nursing (including the nearly 100 students who graduated in the 1980’s)!  Everyday, we are working to fulfill our mission of upholding social justice and advancing system changes that promote healthy communities resulting in safe, high-quality health care for all. 



Nursing education has never been more important.  Please help us ensure we are able to keep recruiting the best and the brightest students, by making a gift today.  

  • The four-quarter BSN program at WWU costs nearly $15,000.
  • Many BSN students are their families' primary bread-winners.  Your financial support helps them now, supporting their education, and helps our community later, as they enter into nursing leadership positions and graduate schools.
  • For our BSN students, their work towards this degree represents a conscious choice and step in their careers, gaining new abilities and energy for improving the health care system. Our students are driven, determined and committed.
  • Western’s BSN program prepares our graduates to be informed decision-makers: it gives them knowledge, voice, and critical thinking skills.  They are prepared to address increasingly complex health issues as practitioners, community advocates and healthcare leaders.



Below is one of 2019 graduates, Jessica Reinstra (far left) with Governor Jay Inslee as he unveiled the first-in-nation approach to eliminate Hepatitis C in Washington by 2030 in September 2018.  Jessica works at the Lummi Tribal Health Center as the Hepatitis C Project Coordinator, Harm Reduction & Overdoes Prevention Nurse and plans to pursue her graduate education as well. 

RN-BSN faculty

Top Five Fundraisers!
The WWU Alumni Association will reward the top five areas that secure the most donors with a bonus of $1,000 each. Congratulations to our winners!
Rank Prize Area of Support Donors
1 $1,000 Men's Rowing 118
2 $1,000 Ice Hockey 116
3 $1,000 Chess Club 115
4 $1,000 Student Emergency Fund 105
5 $1,000 WWU Volleyball 103
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