Visit WWU Give Day 2022 Here!
Theatre Arts

Western’s Theatre Arts program is the premiere undergrad program in the Pacific Northwest. With 7-8 shows per academic year, Theatre students collaborate with faculty and peers to create performances the community can enjoy. Students reinforce their major studies in hands-on application of: performing, directing, stage management, choreography, costume creation, scenery design and building, lighting design, sound effects, and backstage "run crew". 


Western's theatre productions have persisted through the pandemic by offering livestreamed performances. Cast, crew and production teams carefully coordinated and adapted their work from their individual locations to bring these productions together. Some productions are able to be modified for small teams to safely gather and perform in the theatre, livestreaming the on-stage show for audiences to tune in remotely. As we move toward the reopening of campus facilities, these extensive practices in collaboration and adaptation mean that students won't skip a beat in the valuable education that Western's Theatre Arts program provides.


You gift supports opportunities like:

  • Replacing outdated and worn out equipment
  • Travel to conferences for workshops, auditions, portfolio reviews and participation in competitions
  • Bringing in guest artists, playwrights, and lectures from prestigious institutions around the country
  • Networking and public celebration of student success to help build career paths
  • Creating educational programs that reach out to youth across the Cascadia region
  • Offering Theatre performances for our entire community
  • Scholarships for students to participate in prominent arts programs like the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival and the United States Institute for Theatre Technology


Top Five Fundraisers!
The WWU Alumni Association will reward the top five areas that secure the most donors with a bonus of $1,000 each. Congratulations to our winners!
Rank Prize Area of Support Donors
1 $1,000 Men's Rowing 118
2 $1,000 Ice Hockey 116
3 $1,000 Chess Club 115
4 $1,000 Student Emergency Fund 105
5 $1,000 WWU Volleyball 103
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