What We Do:

At Fairhaven, we have created the Fairhaven College Opportunity Fund meets the needs of students facing financial challenges as they navigate their college experience.  With the COVID-19 epidemic and the unprecedented unemployment we are experiencing, many students find their anticipated sources of income reduced or eliminated.  We are helping to fill part of that need with college scholarships.  We provided over $50,000 in emergency support to Fairhaven students for the spring quarter alone! 

While Fairhaven College classes are all online this quarter, I’m happy to report that the Outback Farm is still in operation.  Our dedicated crew of staff and students is planting food and tending the gardens.  With food insecurity higher than we’ve ever seen it, we hope that the fresh food from the Outback will help make a small and meaningful contribution to the health of our community. 

What You Can Do:

We know that all of you are facing challenges adapting to the current set of realities as we are.  We hope that you will consider this opportunity to support Fairhaven College, either by donating to the Opportunity Fund Scholarship, the Outback Farm, or to our unrestricted fund that goes to support faculty and student projects and college events.

Fairhaven Opportunities Scholarship Challenge
The first $24,000 in gifts to the Fairhaven Opportunities Scholarship have been matched dollar for dollar by generous members of the Fairhaven College Advisory Board and Fairhaven Faculty and Staff to provide much needed support for Fairhaven students and all that they bring to our communities now and in the future.
$4,315 MATCHED
Top Five Fundraisers!
The WWU Alumni Association has rewarded the top five areas that secured the most donors on MAY 28 with a bonus of $1,000 each! Congratulations to our winners!
Rank Prize #WECARE Donors
1 $1,000 Student Emergency Fund 199
2 $1,000 Men's Rowing 174
3 $1,000 Ice Hockey 151
4 $1,000 Cross Country & Track and Field 101
5 $1,000 Marketing Program 87
Whatcom Educational Credit Union Challenge
Now that we have reached $100,000 in dollars raised, a $5,000 gift from Whatcom Educational Credit Union has been unlocked!
$100,000 / $100,000 Raised
Whatcom Educational Credit Union Stretch Challenge
Now that we have reached $300,000 in dollars raised for WWU Give Day, ANOTHER $5,000 gift from Whatcom Educational Credit Union has been unlocked because WE CARE about WWU student success.
$300,772 / $300,772 Raised
Don't forget to share!

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Or you can contact us at forwestern@wwu.edu.