During this unprecedented time, they need your support more than ever.
We are passionate about providing basic needs for our students who are suffering economically right now. Give Day is our chance show compassion and encouragement for them during this uncertain time.
Graduate students are continuing their research, scholarship, and creative work while faced with the isolation and financial hardship of the coronavirus pandemic. Your donations support their critical needs and show them how important their work is. The first $1000 in gifts to the Graduate School on Give Day will be matched dollar for dollar by David and Bahareh Patrick.
Gifts to the Graduate School Fund directly support graduate student research, field experiences, and professional development opportunities. This Give Day, contributions to this fund will be put to immediate use as emergency support for graduate students.
The Dean Ross Endowment established by Dr. J. Alan & Dorothy C. Ross funds graduate student travel to present their research, scholarship, and creative work at professional meetings and conferences.
Working on my MA thesis in history has already begun to be one of the best experiences of my academic life, and WWU is preparing me to pursue further higher education in the form of a PhD. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has created many complications for my pursuit of higher education. I was laid off from one of my part time jobs which means I am having to rely on loans to keep up with tuition costs and bills. Additionally, the disruptions from the pandemic have inhibited my ability to connect with my professors and do research in my field.
Patrick Czichas, MA candidate in History and AS Senator
While earning an MA an English at Western Washington University, my studies have centered around writing pedagogy as well as digital storytelling. I'm also interested in the potential of instructional technology to facilitate an engaging learning environment, especially after Covid-19 has shut down the physical classroom. As we move into a world that requires new means of reaching students, I believe it is important that we find the most effective technological means to help engage students in learning.
Preston Smith, MA candidate in English and composition instructor