Mr. Munro engaging students in the state capitol


Proud WWU alumnus and former Secretary of State Ralph Munro has been tireless in his efforts to reach across the aisle and ensure that citizens from all backgrounds have a voice and opportunity to become civically engaged. He is so devoted and skilled in this arena that two decades ago he partnered with Western to establish an institute dedicated promoting civic literacy within secondary education and the public at large, The Ralph Munro Institute for Civic Education.


Over the last year the institute has embarked upon an ambitious campaign to raise $100,000 to support our programming. In February the institute, in partnership with the Bellingham/Whatcom League of Women Voters, kicked off a five-month series of events celebrating the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment extending to women the right to vote. That series was postponed by the coronavirus shutdown, but we are tentatively planning online events later this year to continue the commemoration. We need your gift to support that programming.


Additionally, your gift will help us:

  • Develop an annual lecture series, Seeking Common Ground, that features scholars and civic activists who represent multiple sides of pressing policy issues;

  • Expand support for student internships on both sides of the aisle in Olympia and Washington, D.C; and

  • Continue support for Munro Seminar each fall involving scores of students and elected officials and community members.

Thank you! 

For more information about the Munro Institute and its activities, please visit our Face Book page or contact Professor Vernon Johnson, the Munro Institute Director, at vernon.johnson@wwu.edu.

Top Five Fundraisers!
The WWU Alumni Association has rewarded the top five areas that secured the most donors on MAY 28 with a bonus of $1,000 each! Congratulations to our winners!
Rank Prize #WECARE Donors
1 $1,000 Student Emergency Fund 199
2 $1,000 Men's Rowing 174
3 $1,000 Ice Hockey 151
4 $1,000 Cross Country & Track and Field 101
5 $1,000 Marketing Program 87
Whatcom Educational Credit Union Challenge
Now that we have reached $100,000 in dollars raised, a $5,000 gift from Whatcom Educational Credit Union has been unlocked!
$100,000 / $100,000 Raised
Whatcom Educational Credit Union Stretch Challenge
Now that we have reached $300,000 in dollars raised for WWU Give Day, ANOTHER $5,000 gift from Whatcom Educational Credit Union has been unlocked because WE CARE about WWU student success.
$300,772 / $300,772 Raised
Don't forget to share!

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Or you can contact us at forwestern@wwu.edu.