Marion Van Nostrand Scholarship
Help single parents pursue a degree in STEM

This full-tuition scholarship helps financially needy women and men who are single parents pursuing their degree in STEM. The Van Nostrand Scholars simply would not be able to afford their education and transform their trajectory without this scholarship.


One of these students was Hannah Fink, '18 who is a past recipient of the scholarship and now a proud alumna of Western working in her field.


"I currently work at Cloud Security Alliance in Bellingham as a customer and technical support specialist. I started there just before graduation as an intern. I just got married in April and I'm enjoying this new chapter in my life. I wouldn't be where I am today without the support of the scholarships I received and the wonderful staff and faculty at WWU."

Kathy Kitto and Dennis Waller established this scholarship in honor of Dennis' mother, Marion Van Nostrand, who unexpectedly became a single parent of two children, aged nine and five months, when her husband, a pathologist, was tragically killed in an auto accident six weeks after completing his residency. Everything emotionally and everything financially had been invested in his education and one July day in 1952 that was swept off the board. After her husband's death, she continued to work full time: completed her MS degree in genetics and six years later her PhD in clinical pathology. At her death in 1984 from colon cancer she was a Professor of Medicine.


Through the years, Kathy and Dennis have helped students, who like Marion did, are working very hard to achieve their dreams of an education and career in STEM, but struggling to make ends meet. Often these students end up working multiple jobs while trying to juggle the demands of parenting and studying, making it nearly impossible to graduate in a timely manner, if at all.


Thank you for helping us meet this challenge and provide even more financial support for these amazing, hard-working students. The Van Nostrand award covers the full direct cost of education including tuition, fees and books.

Top Five Fundraisers!
The WWU Alumni Association has rewarded the top five areas that secured the most donors on MAY 28 with a bonus of $1,000 each! Congratulations to our winners!
Rank Prize #WECARE Donors
1 $1,000 Student Emergency Fund 199
2 $1,000 Men's Rowing 174
3 $1,000 Ice Hockey 151
4 $1,000 Cross Country & Track and Field 101
5 $1,000 Marketing Program 87
Whatcom Educational Credit Union Challenge
Now that we have reached $100,000 in dollars raised, a $5,000 gift from Whatcom Educational Credit Union has been unlocked!
$100,000 / $100,000 Raised
Whatcom Educational Credit Union Stretch Challenge
Now that we have reached $300,000 in dollars raised for WWU Give Day, ANOTHER $5,000 gift from Whatcom Educational Credit Union has been unlocked because WE CARE about WWU student success.
$300,772 / $300,772 Raised
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