Student Technology Center's Booster Fund
Help Support the STC Booster Fund!

Announcing the STC Booster Fund Challenge!

The first $1100 in gifts to the STC Booster Fund will be matched dollar for dollar by Rob Olson. If we meet this challenge, we will raise the final $2200 needed in order to endow the STC Booster Fund at the $25,000 level so it can provide permanent, sustainable funding to support STC students and activities.


The STC Booster Fund has been established to support student technology center activities that build a network to support the students, staff and mission of the Student Technology Center.  For example, this fund could sponsor reunions of STC alumni, stipends for STC student’s employees and awards for outstanding service to the STC. Another focus of this fund is to help connect current students with past STC graduates and help foster professional connections and bridge professional opportunities. 

Since it's founding, the STC's mission is to support the advancement of student knowledge of technology from fundamental skills to advanced applications. 


The STC is a place where students attend workshops, gain technology support through peer tutoring, and make use of other advanced equipment and software to promote their learning or creative needs. Working with faculty from all disciplines, the STC compliments Western’s curriculum by offering training in support of course requirements.



Top Five Fundraisers!
The WWU Alumni Association has rewarded the top five areas that secured the most donors on MAY 28 with a bonus of $1,000 each! Congratulations to our winners!
Rank Prize #WECARE Donors
1 $1,000 Student Emergency Fund 199
2 $1,000 Men's Rowing 174
3 $1,000 Ice Hockey 151
4 $1,000 Cross Country & Track and Field 101
5 $1,000 Marketing Program 87
Whatcom Educational Credit Union Challenge
Now that we have reached $100,000 in dollars raised, a $5,000 gift from Whatcom Educational Credit Union has been unlocked!
$100,000 / $100,000 Raised
Whatcom Educational Credit Union Stretch Challenge
Now that we have reached $300,000 in dollars raised for WWU Give Day, ANOTHER $5,000 gift from Whatcom Educational Credit Union has been unlocked because WE CARE about WWU student success.
$300,772 / $300,772 Raised
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