Help Support WWU Sociology!

Your gift to the Sociology Department will fund student-faculty research, student conference travel, guest speakers, and career networking opportunities. Our greatest need is for gift to our Sociology Scholarship fund. In the first two years, we have raised more than $8,000 on Western Give Day to support this new scholarship. We can endow it if we build it to $20,000.


The Department is continuing to grow with over 350 majors. This fall, we welcomed three new members to our faculty: Dr. Batool Zaidi, Dr. Melissa Osborne, and Dr. Cameron Whitley.


You can choose to make a gift in honor of our retirees, another of your favorite faculty members or any other loved one who has had a positive influence on your life or supported your educational pursuits. Thank you for supporting WWU Sociology!


Top Five Fundraisers!
The WWU Alumni Association has rewarded the top five areas that secured the most donors on MAY 28 with a bonus of $1,000 each! Congratulations to our winners!
Rank Prize #WECARE Donors
1 $1,000 Student Emergency Fund 199
2 $1,000 Men's Rowing 174
3 $1,000 Ice Hockey 151
4 $1,000 Cross Country & Track and Field 101
5 $1,000 Marketing Program 87
Whatcom Educational Credit Union Challenge
Now that we have reached $100,000 in dollars raised, a $5,000 gift from Whatcom Educational Credit Union has been unlocked!
$100,000 / $100,000 Raised
Whatcom Educational Credit Union Stretch Challenge
Now that we have reached $300,000 in dollars raised for WWU Give Day, ANOTHER $5,000 gift from Whatcom Educational Credit Union has been unlocked because WE CARE about WWU student success.
$300,772 / $300,772 Raised
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