We are a community of musicians and teachers who work collaboratively to support and encourage one another. All are welcome in our department to experience the joy of performing, listening, and learning about music. More than ever before, we believe in the power of music to bring joy, beauty, and peace to the world.
“I never worked harder in all my life nor have I ever enjoyed myself more in my work.”
Our department’s core values of hard work and the spirit of work and play reach back to the early 20th century when Western was known as the Bellingham Normal School and the town of Bellingham was a community of hard-working pioneers. In 1923, a music student was quoted in the student newspaper remarking that, “I never worked harder in all my life nor have I ever enjoyed myself more in my work.” These values are as relevant today as they were nearly 100 years ago.
Many of our students and their families are struggling with the financial hardship and anxiety caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Your gift to our music department scholarship fund will go to our returning music students to help them remain in school next year.