Water Polo
Help Support WWU Water Polo

Who are we:

We are the Western Water Polo family!

About Us:

Were all about having a good time and learning more about this awesome sport. Our biggest goals are to work together as a team and having a good time. We spend almost as much time together outside the pool as in it and have developed a strong sense of community while still doing well in competitions. We placed 4th in our league this year and held our own against some tough teams


Water polo is a great sport, but unfortunately equipment can be a problem. balls, nets, and pool rentals add up fast, by donating to our team we can increase the number of competitions we go to as well as getting new equipment.

Top 5 WWU Fundraisers
These are our Top 5 Leaders for WWU. NOT based on dollars but donor count contributing to their department, program or scholarships success.
Rank Prize Department Gifts
1 $1,000 Men's Crew 117
2 $1,000 Marketing Department 102
3 $1,000 Women's Volleyball 101
4 $1,000 Racing 87
5 $1,000 Behavioral Neuroscience 74
Don't forget to share!

Questions? See our FAQ.

Or you can contact us at forwestern@wwu.edu.