Professional Women's Association
Help Support WWU's Professional Women's Association

About Us:

The Western Washington University Professional Women's Association is committed to the professional development of undergraduate women as leaders in their field. We provide the support and resources that will better prepare women of all majors for more successful careers. We learn CPR, mindfulness, interviewing skills, and how to write a resume. We also volunteer at least once a quarter.

Our association welcomes all majors and anyone who is interested in gaining a competitive edge in the job market.

Money given during WWU Give Day will go to support the education of tomorrow's female leaders. For instance, many young women come to us wanting to be certified in CPR, but it costs $40 a person and we cannot afford to give scholarships. With your donation, we can provide that support.


Your donation can purchase:

$10 - A Washington State Food Handler's License (which club members need to volunteer at the Sean Humphrey house for people living with HIV/AIDS)

$40 - A CPR certification scholarship, which our young members can use to serve their community and get jobs

And so much more, including speakers' fees, conference fees, and advertising materials.

Top 5 WWU Fundraisers
These are our Top 5 Leaders for WWU. NOT based on dollars but donor count contributing to their department, program or scholarships success.
Rank Prize Department Gifts
1 $1,000 Men's Crew 117
2 $1,000 Marketing Department 102
3 $1,000 Women's Volleyball 101
4 $1,000 Racing 87
5 $1,000 Behavioral Neuroscience 74
Don't forget to share!

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