Free Ride Ski and Snowboard



The WWU Ski & Snowboard club is a non-profit, democratic, student-run organization dedicated to promoting the sports of skiing and snowboarding. We strive to give students the knowledge and opportunities to get involved with the local mountain community here at Western and to make skiing and boarding accessible and fun by seeking out the best deals and discounts for our members.


We aim to do this by hosting social events both on and off campus, going on club trips and providing resources to help students learn and progress their skills. We are committed to promoting a friendly, inclusive and environmentally conscious community of shredders.




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Top 5 WWU Fundraisers
These are our Top 5 Leaders for WWU. NOT based on dollars but donor count contributing to their department, program or scholarships success.
Rank Prize Department Gifts
1 $1,000 Men's Crew 117
2 $1,000 Marketing Department 102
3 $1,000 Women's Volleyball 101
4 $1,000 Racing 87
5 $1,000 Behavioral Neuroscience 74
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