Computer Science


Computer Science is one of the fastest-growing fields of study at Western, and the faculty seek to find ways to challenge students in various areas such as Game Programming, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, or Bioinformatics.  Just imagine harnessing the raw processing power of a 300-core cluster computer, testing the vulnerability of a company’s firewall against cyber-attack, or working with a team to build the next great mobile game.  Whatever your interest may be, the Computer Science Department can help you pursue it! The CS Department seeks to prepare its graduates for a variety of occupations, including working for such industry giants as Amazon, Boeing, Google, and Microsoft.


Gifts to the Computer Science Department will fund club activities, field trips to local tech companies, visiting speakers, conference travel and scholarships.  

Top 5 WWU Fundraisers
These are our Top 5 Leaders for WWU. NOT based on dollars but donor count contributing to their department, program or scholarships success.
Rank Prize Department Gifts
1 $1,000 Men's Crew 117
2 $1,000 Marketing Department 102
3 $1,000 Women's Volleyball 101
4 $1,000 Racing 87
5 $1,000 Behavioral Neuroscience 74
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